camping gear...fuuuuuuuuuux...

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camping gear...fuuuuuuuuuux...

Fri Mar 20, 2020 11:29 am

got me a nice one man backpacking tent to carry on the rocket 3 for long distance riding emergencies, it is of course a male tent...i bring that point up because there are "unisex" tents on the market...sure i could wax poetic about that for months to come but what's the point, some same sexed individuals somewhere would set their minions upon me and who needs that sh!t...point is i'm looking for a sleeping bag to carry along for those "just in case" emergencies and there are more sleeping bag types than there are grains of sand on the beach and stars in the sky, each but one thread or single piece of insulation different that the one just to it's left or right, and they're ALLLLLLL made in china by the same 12 people...

think i'm kidding...male and female sleeping bags and tents...i'll bet if you look hard enough you'll find men and women's toilet paper...what a load of poo (pun intended)...there are sleeping bags that have been designed, manufactured, put on the market, gone on sale then into the "outlet" bin that have NEVER had a review...what a waste of time and space...

thanks for listening and hope you all are having a wonderful day...high today 63f low tonight 21f with windchill in the teens...high tomorrow 35f...march in michigan sucks almost as much as camping gear...

zing of the wild frontier...
time traveler, meat eater, mad as a box of frogs

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Re: camping gear...fuuuuuuuuuux...

Sat Mar 21, 2020 8:30 am

What happened to the bear skin rug 😂

Did I mention that I'm the only one to have attended EVERY meet since we started

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